
全球首屈一指的資產管理專家,為摩根大通集團成員,200多年來持續提供專業多元的理財服務,已深耕台灣逾30年,全方位產品線涵蓋國內外股票、債券、資產配置型等基金, ...,themanagementofacompany'sororganization'smoneyorproperty,inordertomakeasmuchprofitaspossible:Weprovidepropertyandasset ...,themanagementofsomeone'smoney,stocks,shares,etc.資產管理.Hercompanyprovidedassetmanagementforotherfinancialinstit...


全球首屈一指的資產管理專家,為摩根大通集團成員,200多年來持續提供專業多元的理財服務,已深耕台灣逾30年,全方位產品線涵蓋國內外股票、債券、資產配置型等基金, ...

ASSET MANAGEMENT在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯

the management of a company's or organization's money or property, in order to make as much profit as possible: We provide property and asset ...


the management of someone's money, stocks, shares, etc. 資產管理. Her company provided asset management for other financial institutions. 她的公司為其他金融 ...

Asset management

Asset management is a systematic process of developing, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets in the most cost-effective manner (including ...

What is Asset Management?

Asset management involves the balancing of costs, opportunities and risks against the desired performance of assets to achieve an organisation's objectives.

Asset Management explained

Money can be invested in funds made up of different types of assets, and funds can be managed in different ways.

Introduction to Asset Management

書名:Introduction to Asset Management,語言:英文,ISBN:9781641723701,頁數:253,出版日期:2020/09/08,類別:商業財經.

What Is Asset Management, and What Do Asset Managers Do?

Asset management is the professional management of financial assets to build and increase wealth over time. What Is Asset Management? · Types of Asset Managers · How Asset Managers Work




資產管理是指以最小成本管理資產的過程,其中涉及開發、運營、維護、升級。資產管理既適用於有形資產(如工廠、基礎設施、建築物或設備),也適用於無形資產(如智慧財產權 ...